Published Date on the ADB CMS: 30 March 2019
Loan No. and Title: Loan-3695 MON: Ulaanbaatar Green Affordable Housing and Resilient Urban Renewal Sector Project
Package No. and Title: PIMS: Project Implementation and Management Support
Consultant Type: Firm
Consultant Source: International
Country of Assignment: Mongolia
Deadline of Submitting EOI through the ADB CMS: 28 April 2019 (11:59 PM)


The Mongolia has received financing from the Asian Development Bank (ADB), Green Climate Fund (GCF) and High-Level Technology Fund (HLT) toward the cost of the Ulaanbaatar Green Affordable Housing and Resilient Urban Renewal Project (AHURP). Part of this financing will be used for payments under the consulting contract named above.

A. Scope of work

The consulting service is to support the AHURP on (i) overall coordination, implementation, management and supervision of all phases of the project; (ii) sector road map implementation; (iii) institutional strengthening and reporting; (iv) capacity building of project stakeholders; (v) procurement of civil works, goods and consulting services and financial management; (vi) technical audit; (vii) implementation, management, monitoring of voluntary land swapping mechanisms phase by phase, including the formulation of the related project implementation documents; (viii) project safeguards and due diligence; (ix) gender and social dimensions; (x) community engagement and stakeholder’s communication; (xi) buildings and facilities operation and maintenance; and (xii) project performance management system (PPMS), monitoring and evaluation in compliance policies and procedures of the Government of Mongolia (GOM), ADB, Green Climate Fund (GCF) and other Co-financiers.

A consulting firm will be engaged using quality- and cost-based selection (QCBS) method and full technical proposal procedure, with a quality–cost ratio of 90:10, for an estimated 570 person-months (90 international, 480 national) of consulting services.

The consulting services will include, but will not necessarily be limited to, the services described in the terms of reference (TOR). Please refer to the TOR uploaded on the ADB Consultant Management System (CMS).

BDetailed Tasks

The consultant shall carry out the tasks within 4 components: (i) institutional development and project management support, (ii) financial management and procurement support, (iii) safeguards, and (iv) social and gender dimensions and communications. A brief of detailed tasks are as follows, but not limited to these only:

  1. provide procurement capacity support for works, goods, and consulting services as well as the technical selection of developers;
  2. establish detailed work schedules and the work load distribution for the PMO;
  3. provide on-the-job and formal training to PMO staff on all aspects of project management;
  4. provide financial management training to handle different withdrawal allocations;
  5. develop financial management and accounting system for the project;
  6. monitor and ensure the effective enforcement of the affordability mechanisms;
  7. act as resource persons for training and development activities;
  8. provide procurement assistance, bidding document review, contract bid review and evaluation, and contract management and disbursement; 
  9. support the implementation of the voluntary land swapping plan (VLSP) and the SGAP;
  10. provide on-the-job and formal training to PMO staff on social, gender, land swapping, and community participation aspects of project;
  11.  monitor and ensure the effective implementation of the VLSP, and social and gender action plan;
  12. perform land valuation activities and carry out land swap process during feasibility study, detailed design, and implementation; monitor and evaluate the voluntary land swap process;
  13. update, finalize, and monitor safeguards documents, including the resettlement plan, initial environment examination or environment impact assessment, and environment management plan in compliance with ADB's guidelines and the relevant frameworks agreed between ADB and the Government of Mongolia; and
  14. prepare the draft project completion report

C. Qualifications requirement:

  • - Experience in similar projects and similar geographical areas;
  • - Approach and methodology; and
  • - Personnel expertise.


D. Application Submission Procedure

All interested consultant firms shall submit their Expression of Interest (EOI) via online ADB Consultant Management System (CMS) on or before 28 April 2019 (11:59 PM).

Web link: (Selection No. 150578)

Online submission will be accepted only.

For more information, please contact the Executing Agency - Capital City Housing Corporation (NOSK):

Tel:    +976 77770023



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